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Mastering the Future Simple Tense: A Guide to Expressing Future Actions
Oct. 3, 2024, midnight / in Blog

Future Simple Tense in English & Hindi (Examples)

The Future Simple tense is used to express actions or events that will occur in the future. It is formed using the auxiliary verb "will" or "shall" followed by the base form of the main verb. This tense is used to make predictions, promises, or statements about future plans or intentions.
For example:
* I will attend the meeting tomorrow. ( prediction)
* She will graduate from college next year. (prediction)
* They will get married in June. (plan)
* I will help you with your homework. (promise)
The Future Simple tense can also be used to express future actions that are scheduled or planned, such as:
* The train will arrive at 5 o'clock. (schedule)
* The concert will start at 8 pm. (schedule)
Here are 10 examples of the Future Simple tense in English, Hindi, and Roman Hindi:
1. I will eat breakfast. - मैं नाश्ता खाऊंगा। - Main nashta khaunga.
2. She will study for the exam. - वह परीक्षा के लिए पढ़ाई करेगी। - Vah pariksha ke liye padhai karegi.
3. They will travel to Paris. - वे पेरिस जाएंगे। - Ve Paris jayenge.
4. He will buy a new car. - वह एक नई कार खरीदेगा। - Vah ek nai car kharedega.
5. We will watch a movie tonight. - हम आज रात एक फिल्म देखेंगे। - Hum aaj raat ek film dekhenge.
6. You will pass the test. - तुम परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण होगे। - Tum pariksha mein uttirn hoge.
7. It will rain tomorrow. - कल बारिश होगी। - Kal barish hogi.
8. They will have dinner at 7 pm. - वे 7 बजे रात का खाना खाएंगे। - Ve 7 baje raat ka khana khayenge.
9. I will meet you at 5 o'clock. - मैं आपको 5 बजे मिलूंगा। - Main aapko 5 baje milunga.
10. She will call you tomorrow. - वह कल आपको फोन करेगी। - Vah kal aapko phone karegi.